- All pupils should attend the class punctually. If by chance a pupil comes late , and entry has to be made in the page
allotted for late attendance in the School Diary and the signature of the Principal, or other persons authorised, be obtained before entering the class.
- No leave of absence will be granted except on written application of the parent, addressed to the Principal in advance.
Students who for unexplained reasons absent themselves for more than five days continuously are struck off the rolls and as a rule, are to be readmitted
- Students are admitted on the understanding that they would remain in the school at least for the entire academic year.
For the Pre-primary and the Senior Secondary, the year is divided into three terms(May to August, September to December and January to April)
- For classes I to X , the academic year is divided into two terms(April to September and October to March)
- If a parent desires to withdraw their child from the school before the end of the school year, the rules demand that the
school fees for the entire year (for a boarder, boarding fee of the term) would be paid before the Transfer Certificate could be issued.
- Application for the transfer certificate should be made through the prescribed form by the parent or the legal guardian.
- The management reserves the right to compel the parent to withdraw their children if their conduct is harmful to other students.
- Habitual disobedience or any misconduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, justify dismissal at any time of the year.
- Malpractice in examination is grave offence, if found guilty the following rule shall apply. For the first time the student
shall be awarded zero marks for all the papers of the said examination. If repeated a second time , it shall lead to either detention or dismissal.
- If any correction is done on the report card by the student he/ she shall be award zero in all subjects.
- Any misbehaviour of serious nature that has become a public knowledge is liable to bring about suspension or dismissal
even if it has taken place outside the school premises.
Instruction to Visitors
- Visitors can meet a student only with the permission of the principal.
- Visitors should sign in the “Visitors Diary” kept in the office.
- They are not allowed to meet the students during the class. They can meet them only at the interval in unavoidable circumstances.
- They are strictly restricted from roaming around the school premises. They should be seated in the place arranged for them.
- They must not bring eatables for students.
- Those who are not familiar to the authorities are not allowed to visit students.
Instruction to Parents
The co-operation of the parents solicited for the all round development of students and the well being of the school
- Parents are requested to check the diary everyday and sign in them.
- They are informed not to send any valuables like golden ornaments. Watch etc. for loss, the school authorities will not be responsible.
- They should not give pocket money to their children.
- They are requested to remit fees on or before the prescribed day in case of delay dine will be charged.
- Check the progress and the progress report of the students duly signed by the parent themselves.
- Contact with the school authorities at least once in a month.
- Suggestions and complaints are welcomed and must be put in front of the principal through the office staff. Thy should sign in the diary at the time of visit.